Ovid Metamorphoses 

Compare and contrast the account of the creation myth by the Roman poet Ovid in his poem theMetamorphoses 1. 1-469 (OM 5-18) to the earlier version of creation by the Greek poet Hesiod (ACM 131- 135). Then discuss how does Ovid’s version of the creation myth relates to his general approach to myth in the Metamorphoses. Answer with response to one additional myth from Ovid’sMetamorphoses, choosing from the following list:


a. Perseus (Ovid Metamorphoses 4. 668-5. 289 (OM 110-129)

b. Arachne (Ovid Metamorphoses 6.1-400; OM 147-151)

c. Pygmalion (Ovid Metamorphoses 10.219-297 (OM 274-276)

d. The Deification of Caesar & Epilogue Ovid Metamorphoses 15.745-878 (OM 440-445)


Paper Length: 3 Pages (1.5 spacing, 12 font, typed)


No Plagiarism


You will be given a percentage grade, based on the following breakdown:

Argument (70%)

 Introduction: set out what you will be doing in this paper (5%)

 Context 1: describe what is happening in Hesiod’s creation & Ovid’s creation (5%)

 Analysis 1: compare the similarities & differences between Hesiod’s creation & Ovid’s

creation (10%)

 Analysis 2 (40%): how does Ovid’s creation relate to his general approach to myth?

o Describe what is happening in additional myth from Ovid (5%)

o Examine how this additional myth (i) responds to Ovids creation and (ii) shows Ovid’s general     approach to myth.

 Conclusion (10%): summarize your main points and findings at the end of your essay.


Presentation (30%)

 Length (5%)

 Spelling & Grammar (5%)

 Direct quotation of Hesiod Creation in Analysis 1 (5%)

 Direct quotation of Ovid creation in Analysis 1 and 2 (10%)

 Direct quotation of additional Ovid myth in Analysis 2 (5%)