religious service

RELS 101




For this assignment, you are given the opportunity to visit a religious service or site and summarize your experience according to the guidelines below. You are encouraged to attend a service that is very different from one that you normally attend, if you attend any. I urge you to try something you have never experienced before!! The Thursday edition of the Ellensburg Daily Record contains a list of services in the area – if you are from Ellensburg. Otherwise, you may consult your local paper.  Also, the internet is a good source of information about services. Many religious groups have web sites that you may wish to consult for service times and rules of etiquette.  If you need assistance in finding a site to visit please contact me.  



3-4 pp. typed, double-spaced with Times New Roman, normal size (12).    Pages must be numbered


Content and ideas are important, but if those ideas are expressed by means of poor grammar and mechanical structure, the point of the paper becomes lost.  Proofread your paper carefully.  Numerous grammatical errors will impact the final paper grade.






Points to be addressed in your final paper:


1)    Prior to your visit, research the group you have chosen.  This means that you will, as far as you are able, research the local group.  You are not asked to give a general overview of the religion.  This is important to note! (We have done that in class). Then, in your paper’s introduction, discuss briefly any beliefs, rituals, festivals or other elements that are unique to that particular group (for example, maybe you have visited a church that sponsors a community event such as a carnival, etc.).  You should also include any special points of etiquette that must be observed by both members and visitors.  Be careful to cite the sources of your research both in text and at the end of the paper.


2)  During your visit address the following points:

a. Describe the general order of service.

b. What is the mood and atmosphere like?  Are there any symbols, decorations, music?  Discuss how these elements contribute to the overall mood of the service.

c. How are people dressed? What is their general demeanor? How does this contribute to the mood and atmosphere?

d. Describe any leadership roles you can determine from observation of the service.

e. What seemed to be the central focus of the message (however that message might have been delivered). Include any scriptures that might have been used.

f. Describe any rituals you observed

g. Discuss the role of women in the service



Your paper must be submitted as a Word attachment via Blackboard as indicated on the syllabus. Do not submit your paper in .pdf format or Wordpad. I will not read or grade papers submitted in any other format than the one noted above