Smoking is proven to reduce the lifetime of the smoker by an average of 10 years

Student: chase adkins

Professor: N/A

Speech Communication 1017, Fall D 2018 Class 1


Tobacco use needs to be banned

Specific Purpose: to persuade

Central Idea: tobbaco and tobacco related products are bad for your health and others around you


Roughly, 1300 people die everyday from tobacco related illnessess

Smoking is a really big trend now a days from cigarettes to juuls and are not only dangerous to the smoker but also the people around

Smoking supposedly reduces stress but their are plenty of healthy alternatives to smoking to reduce stress.

I’ve been around smokers my whole life and i’ve lost many family members due to smoking.


Smoking is proven to reduce the lifetime of the smoker by an average of 10 years

Also, smoking is extremely addictive and is by far one of the hardest habits to break.

There are even forms of smokeless tobacco which are products such as, snuff , chew and cause a variety of cancers.

Secondhand smoke causes roughly 7300 deaths a year.


One must quit using tobacco products to ensure a healthier lifestyle

Although, people like to smoke and do not care about the negative aspects they do not think of the harm its causing others.

I think tobacco products are extremely dangerous to our society and truly needs to be illegal because of all of its negative effects on the user and the people around

I’d like to persuade my audience that tobbacco products cause extreme illness, extreme irritation if one doesn’t have their (fix), and even causes 1000’s of deaths every year.
