Write what you – an informed, thoughtful, critically-aware writer – have to say to an interested reader who may not know what you mean right away, nor necessarily agree with you.

H101 Overview Reflection.

Please read these instructions all the way through. Then, read them again! ☺ Objectives: Demonstrate your progress in broadening and deepening your knowledge and thinking about the arts and humanities as experiences in themselves, and in relationship to our lives. Focus mainly on examples from the 2nd half of the course. * Length: 900-1200 of your words. Earn 30 points.

PREPARE FOR YOUR ESSAY. Review the 2nd half topics and course in your mind and online. Jot down your thoughts, examples, and sources. Apply your critical skills to go beyond everyday thinking to explore dimensions and challenges of a

topic. Write what you – an informed, thoughtful, critically-aware writer – have to say to an interested reader who may not know what you mean right away, nor necessarily agree with you. Start your draft anywhere, but present your Overview essay in this order: Introduction, then one (1) topic each from Parts 2 + 3, followed by your Conclusion, then by your sources. (Illus.: M.C. Escher. Three Worlds. 1955; Bloom’s taxonomy).

Part 1. Introduction. Explain what you plan to discuss. Part 2. Choose & write on topic 1a or 1b. Note prompt number + letter (Length: 350-500 words, 15 pts). 1a. Interpret and evaluate 2 or 3 examples from the humanities that helped you better understand unfamiliar or broader dimensions of human experience. Discuss ones from 2 or 3 of these categories: performance; mass media arts (movies and TV); philosophy (religion, life affirmation, love, happiness).

or 1b. Interpret and evaluate roles that historical events, cultures, and environment have played in giving form and meaning to arts, literature, and philosophy with 2 or 3 examples from weeks 9 – 15. Part 3. Choose and write on topic 2a or 2b. Note prompt number + letter (Length: 250-350 words, 10 pts).

2a. If there is an art to being human, what might (or should) it be? How does literature, philosophy , performing arts and visual arts, help you/us in this endeavor? Pick 2-3 examples from weeks 9 – 15. or 2b. Discuss examples and/or ideas from our humanities course that encouraged you to critically examine the value and credibility, or “truth-value,” of words, ideas, mass media arts, other forms of expression and communication in our world today. Apply to weeks 9 – 15. Part 4. Your Conclusion (150 – 200 words, 5 pts). What other insights or meaningful connections did you gain from our more recent studies and activities? Are there questions or issues about the humanities you still grapple with? Please explain. Is there another topic you want to discuss here, or suggest for a future course? Other thoughts. . .? Total essay length: 900-1200 of your words. Part 5. Cite sources in two places: 1) In the essay, right after you note material other places – like this: in parentheses (ABHuman Section 13.2). For class or homework, cite the week and title (Week 9 Story Analysis), Slide set and #, video title, etc. 2) After the essay, provide full bibliographic entries. Post all parts in one file to Turnitin Overview drop box.

FORMAT. Number and letter your prompt choices. Please draw examples mainly from Weeks 9 – 15. Boldface titles. MLA or APA form is fine. Use 1” margins. Double-space; indent paragraph breaks. Web- friendly Images (under 300 K) +/or links to images are welcome. Support your points with evidence from our studies and texts. Use also reasoning, experience. You can also use one other outside source, if you wish. Do your own work; write your own words. Clarify who is saying what: in other words, you, or when you quote from others.

Thanks, and Good Luck! I look forward to reading your work! Prof. Carter

  • H101 Overview Reflection.