speed limits

Answer questions 1–4 in one or two sentences. Question 1a–1b is based on the following paragraph. A trip to the ocean can be a relaxing escape from the everyday pressures of life. A sailboat glistening on the horizon provides a mental escape to faraway places. The rhythm of the ocean beating against the sand is sedating music to a troubled mind. A slow, gentle breeze can relax your tensions. You should always be careful to avoid overexposure to the sun at the beach.
1. a.What sentence is the topic sentence of the paragraph? b.What sentence is unrelated to the topic and can be eliminated?
2. List four things to look for when you’re proofreading.
3. Complete the following two steps: a. Define the term cliché. b.Use a cliché in a sentence that you create.
4. Name and explain two types of prewriting.
5. Choose one of the prompts listed below. Write a five-sentence paragraph using chronological order to explain the steps that you would take to complete the task you select. Describe the steps you would take to: a. prepare for a test. b.prepare to host a party or an event. c. get ready for work. d.clean your room or your home. e. build a snowman, sandcastle, or sculpture. f. create a budget.
6. Choose one of the following topics. Write an eight-sentence paragraph that fully develops the topic.
a. Following instructions is very important.
b. Job training programs (such as Job Corps) are valuable to both employers and potential employees.
c. Advances in technology are making people less social.
d. A high school diploma is important to my future.
e. College is not for everyone.
f. Drunk driving can be stopped
1. Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
a. Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits.
b. Explain why a certain sport is your favorite.
c. Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer.
d. Analyze the best way to buy a car, mow a lawn, or prepare a meal.
e. Describe a memorable day in your life.
2. Write a letter of complaint. Follow the rules for a business letter, and use the full-block style. The complaint may be about anything you wish (such as malfunctioning equipment, poor building maintenance, or disruptive noises from a nearby business). You can base your letter on a true experience, or you can make up all the details you need.
Please note that a form letter or a template cannot be used in constructing your response to question 2. When a form letter or template is used, you are giving little to no thought to wording or formatting, and you are not actually creating your own complaint; you are simply filling in the blanks of someone else’s work. For this reason, a grade of 1% will be issued if a form letter or template is used.
Writing Skills: A Personal Narrative, you are asked to write a personal essay, based solely on your first-hand personal experience(s), told from the first-person point of view (using the pronoun “I”), meeting the length requirement of between 750 and 2500 words. This essay should not require or contain any type of research; it should be told from thoughts and memories.
In short, this essay should be about you and your experience(s).
, Writing Skills: A Research Project, you are asked to compose an essay responding to one of three prompts (please review pages 2 and 3 in your digital study unit). At its base, this is a personal essay, but you must incorporate research that will support your views and opinions. The core of this essay must be based solely on your first-hand personal experience(s) and should be told from the first-person point of view (using the pronoun “I”). Your finished essay, including research, should be between 500 and 1500 words.
In short, this essay should be primarily about your personal experience(s), but your ideas and experiences must also be supported by effective, quality research.