your Prospectus

Final Project: Continue to Draft Your Prospectus
Your Discussion 2 posts focused on the implications for social change and the significance of the study. All research of quality and rigor must address these issues: Why is the research worth doing? What can be learned? Who will it benefit and how? It is important to refine your statements on this topic, in order that they can be incorporated into your Prospectus. You will be required to address these issues in your Proposal and the rest of your Dissertation, as well. Although one might expect any study to reflect these concerns, this is especially important in the School of Public Policy and Administration, and at Walden University, given the mission, vision, goal, and positive social change commitments you read earlier.

Using the Dissertation Prospectus Guide, refine this week’s Discussion 2 post that describes the significance of your proposed study. In what ways would your study advance knowledge, practice, or policy, and lead to positive social change?

After completing this section, in the order of required components of the Prospectus, you have now covered the title, problem statement, overall purpose of the study, significance, background, and theoretical framework.

Review your Prospectus draft of all of these components and edit it.

You are not required to submit this document during Week 6.