Classifying Art

Classifying Art

What makes something “important”?

Look at the items on the next 10 slides. Follow the links to watch or listen to any videos.

As you look at each item, decide for yourself how important that piece is. What makes it important, or tells you that it isn’t important? How do you decide whether it is important or not? What are some criteria that you could use to help you decide?

When you’re done looking at all 10 pieces, open the reflective writing assignment and rank these 10 items from 1 (most important) to 10 (least important) and reflect on how you reached that decision.

The Mona Lisa

Painting by

Leonardo Da Vinci

Approx. 1503

Any episode of The Walking Dead


This trailer is close-captioned – click on the CC icon below the screen to turn it on.

Ian McKellen in Shakespeare’s King Lear


Watch from the beginning until King Lear exits. It is not close-captioned, but if you need it, the text for this is posted separately in the module.

Drawing, Untitled Artist unknown

Shut Up and Dance

http ://

If you need them, the lyrics can be found here:

Forest Whittaker’s performance in Rogue One

Trailer with English subtitles. If they do not appear, click the cc icon below the screen:

https ://

Ansel Adams’ photographs

Oak Tree, Snowstorm, Yosemite, CA

Yosemite Valley, Summer

Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (A Little Night Music)


Episode of tosh.0

Turn on close-captioning by clicking the cc icon below the screen.

Madama Butterfly

By Giacomo Puccini

Watch any 4 minutes. For the English translation, click on the CC (closed captioning) icon under the video.
